Process Simulator


Process Simulator

Quickly and easily adds simulation capabilities and analysis to Microsoft® Visio® flowcharts, Value Stream Maps and workflow diagrams. Process Simulator installs as a plug-in to Visio, allowing you to seamlessly create and run simulation models inside Visio.

Dynamic Productivity Improvement
The predictive technology of ProModel allows you to design-in success, increase capacity, decrease costs, reduce cycle time, and test alternatives in a risk-free environment before committing capital and resources. What could be more valuable?
Process Simulator Applications Include:
  • LEAN and Value Stream Mapping
    Capture Value Stream Maps in Visio and see what performance gains you can expect before implementing actual changes. Simulate current and future state scenarios to understand which LEAN project will give the biggest benefit.
  • Business Process Re-Engineering
    Build As-Is and To-Be Workflow Models and understand Time Based Quantitative impacts of changes quickly. Predict resource requirements, capital equipment investments, process times, service levels and more!
  • Six Sigma Initiatives
    Enhance the effectiveness of Analyze and Improve steps of the DMAIC Methodology. Experiment to ANALYZE how the system responds within the model and develop a total continuous IMPROVEMENT strategy in a dynamic, risk-free environment.
ProModel Releases New
Process Simulator Quickstart Video
“How do you explain process simulation?”
This short video simply explains simulation and how easy it is to create a model in Process Simulator.
Click on the video above to
view a short presentation on
Process Simulator.
Transform Static Flowcharts and Workflow Diagrams into Dynamic Simulation Models.
Click on the video above to
view a short presentation on
Process Simulator and its role in
Lean Office Transformation.
Quickly and easily simulate Microsoft® Office® Visio® flowcharts, Value Stream Maps and workflow diagrams. Process Simulator installs as a add-in to Visio, allowing you to seamlessly create and run simulation models inside Visio. It is a simple, predictive, productivity improvement tool that has the potential to change your future.
Create a new flowchart model or add simulation properties to an existing flowchart directly in Visio.
Single Image
Single Image
Press play and watch your model run with realistic animation.
View dynamic model output metrics and run “What-Ifs” in Visio.
Single Image
Whether you are looking to minimize costs, increase throughput, improve productivity, manage inventory or meet customer demand, Process Simulator provides a cost effective, high value solution to achieve your objectives. Customers using Process Simulator today include Pfizer, ITT, General Dynamics, GE Healthcare, Praxair, Cummins, Pacific Life, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and many other customers and institutions around the world.
Process Simulator is available today in a risk-free, “Lite” version for your organization to evaluate.
See Product Brochure
  • Resource Shift Carryover extended to Use statement – this powerful capability, introduced in the SP1 release, has been expanded to include resources captured with a USE statement. It enables you to carryover work started by a resource on one shift and continue it with another unit on the next shift. For example, hospitals operating 24 hours a day can transfer patient care from one shift to the next.
  • Output report views and results copied with new model – when saving an existing model as a different name, if that model also has saved Output Viewer report views, you will be prompted and given the choice to copy the saved report views and any results files with the new model name.
  • Charts linked in Output Viewer report views – charts are now automatically linked together if they exist in the same report tab. This means that when you add or remove a scenario from one chart, all other charts will have that scenario added or removed as well. Other Filter Options can also be linked and, if desired, charts can be unlinked so that changes only apply to the selected chart.
  • Output Viewer Items sorted in original model order – Filter Options now show all elements in the Items list in the order they appear in the model tables. This is now the default Item sort, however, the list can also be sorted alphabetically.
  • Move a chart and create a new Report – if you want to move an existing chart into its own new Report tab, simply drag the chart up to the plus “+” tab and drop it there. A new Report tab will automatically be created with your chart in the view.
  • How-To modeling solutions – learning how to use Process Simulator requires more than just becoming familiar with the product features and menus. It also requires an understanding of how to use the features to correctly create representative models of actual business processes.  The how-to solutions, now included in the documentation, help you learn the techniques to model situations you are likely to encounter when doing a simulation study.
  • Output Viewer now has context-sensitive online help.
  • Model package install directory defaults to where the package file resides.
  • External Arrival files now support the .xlsm and .xlsb Excel file formats.
  • Container objects in Visio are now supported as simulation objects.
  • Simulations can now be run to the year 2100.
  • Entity initial cost allows use of distributions.
  • Copying rows in a table supports non-contiguous row selection.

What's New in Process Simulator 2011
With Process Simulator 2011 you are able to more easily visualize and analyze simulation results using the new Output Viewer, quickly experiment and compare model changes with independent scenarios, and simplify model building with advanced modeling constructs. Process Simulator 2011 is compatible with Microsoft Visio 2010, 2007, and 2003.
With Process Simulator 2011 SP1, you are able to easily model multi-shift facilities using the new resource shift carryover capability. You can also gain more insight into your model results with the new Output Viewer time series charts.
Resource Shift Carryover This powerful new capability allows you to carryover work started by a resource on one shift and continue it with another unit of that resource on the next. For example, manufacturing facilities that have extended task times or complex processes spanning multiple shifts or days can easily pass work from the first to the second shift. Hospitals operating 24 hours a day can transfer patient care from one shift to the next. Shift carryover works whether it’s one resource or multiple resources performing a task. Each resource will independently be interrupted to go off shift and allow resources on the next shift to resume the work. Along with this new capability, you can now assign unique calendars to specific resource units.
Resource Shift Carryover
New Output Viewer Time Series Charts The following are new and modified time series charts:
  • Activity Utilization – this new chart displays utilization of activities, as a percentage of contents versus overall capacity, over the course of the simulation run.
    Activity Utilization
  • Resource Usage – this new chart shows how many resources were used and when over the course of the simulation. Add a capacity line to the chart and compare the actual usage against the maximum potential resource usage. 
    Resource Usage
  • Activity State – this upgraded chart now includes the averaging of activity states across replications. It is displayed as a 100% stacked column Gantt chart over time.
    Activity State
Output Viewer 
Originally released with ProModel 2010, the new Output Viewer has been developed in the latest Microsoft WPF technology. It simplifies the creation of views, provides quicker and more open access for modifying charts and tables, and allows for analysis and comparison of multiple output data sources. The user interface follows the Microsoft fluent UI standard and uses a ribbon for providing access to all the reporting functionality.
Specifically for the Process Simulator 2011 release, we have added the following new capability to Output Viewer:
  • Sort Column, Utilization, and State Charts - sort your chart data based on highest or lowest values. State charts will even let you choose which state should be sorted. 
  • Export Time Series Data - similar to exporting Summary data, you are able to export any of your time series results from any scenario to Excel.
  • Change Chart Type -you are able to change the chart style from bar to line, from line to area, from pie to doughnut, etc. Choose from several different chart style options. 
Independent Scenarios Coupled with the capability introduced in the new Output Viewer, you can run new scenarios independently of each other and compare their results side by side with previously simulated scenarios.
If you have a distribution that is used in multiple places throughout your model, use a macro and then if you need to change that distribution, modify it one place!  Macros can be used in almost any place in your model like activity logic, routing move time, arrival frequency, etc.  You can also add them as parameters to be utilized in your scenario analysis.
Subroutines If you find yourself writing the same logic in multiple activities throughout your model, put that logic in a subroutine. Then, simply call the subroutine from multiple logic locations. Not only will you reduce the amount of time writing logic, but when you want to make a change, you'll only need to make it in one place.
External Arrivals
Define multiple Periodic arrivals in an Excel worksheet and have them automatically initialized in your model when the simulation runs. You can also set the arriving entity's initial attribute values for things like part numbers, acuity levels, job numbers, etc.
Online Help System - gives you access to the latest documentation…all the time.

We Have Also Added the Following Enhancements in the 2011 SP1 Release:
  • Data Grouping Interval for Statistic series – when viewing the raw data for time series charts, you can now set the grouping interval if Statistic series are added to the chart.
    Data Display
  • Pooling time series statistics – Time Plot charts now have a pooling option that allows you to combine the values of the Items selected and display their joint average in the chart. Series for Statistics are also automatically pooled for all items selected and show as one joint Statistic, if the chart type has been set to stacked.
    Pooling time series statistics
  • Macro availability – Macros can now be used in IF statements, Conditional and Detach routings, and Pattern arrivals.
Microsoft Visio 2010
In addition to its latest new capabilities, Process Simulator has been developed to take advantage of the new features introduced in Visio 2010. Below you will find some highlights of what Process Simulator and Visio 2010 can do for you!
Visio 2010 Application Demo 
Business Process Management in Visio 2010 Premium 
Microsoft Office Fluent user interface 
Find and access the features and tools you need more quickly with a new user interface that is consistent with other Office applications. Process Simulator installs with its own ribbon in Visio that makes access to its functionality easier than ever.
New and improved Shapes area
The new Shapes window enables you to more quickly find and select the stencils you want, and easily move between them.  Near the top of every stencil - above a faint dividing line - a new Quick Shapes area holds the shapes you want to use most often in a stencil. Process Simulator has a new stencil containing new shapes which not only help make your diagrams look more professional but also allow application of the Themes gallery.
 New and improved Shapes Area
Quick Shapes Mini Toolbar
Add shapes without leaving the drawing page with one mouse click, using a floating window that contains your most common shapes.  As you hover over the Quick Shapes mini toolbar, you are given a live preview of where the shape will be placed.  Click and drag on the blue arrow that appears and you are immediately changed to the Connector tool allowing you to create a connection to an existing shape on the diagram. This enables you to connect shapes without switching between the Pointer and Connector tools!
Quick Shapes Mini Toolbar
Insert and delete shapes with auto-healing
Insert new shapes into connected flow diagrams without having to move or realign existing shapes. Delete shapes from connected flow diagrams without having to delete or reconnect leftover connectors.
Page Auto Size
Create larger diagrams without worrying about the page size with an expandable canvas that automatically adjusts to your need.
Diagram Validation and new and improved Templates
Visio 2010 has new Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Six Sigma templates. Diagram Validation ensures accuracy of your BP diagrams by checking them against the BPMN business rules and logic. The Cross-Functional Flowchart template has been completely redesigned making it even easier to insert, move and modify swim lanes, among other new capabilities.
Easily and automatically break complex processes in diagrams into more manageable pieces using subprocesses. Select a section of shapes in your existing diagram, choose to create a subprocess from your selection and Visio will automatically move those shapes to another page in your document, replace them in the main diagram with a single shape, and create a hyperlink to the newly create page!
Share a diagram in a browser
Publish any type of diagram (static or data-linked) to SharePoint Server 2010 using Visio Services, with just a few clicks. Diagrams are rendered in Microsoft® Silverlight™ (high-fidelity) or PNG format.
Publish to SharePoint Process Repository
Store, share, and reuse business process diagrams and subprocesses through Visio 2010 integration with SharePoint 2010 Process Repository.
Alliance Partners:
  • Pfizer
  • Microsoft
  • Minitab
  • Geer Mountain Software
  • OptTek
  • Novitas Capital
  • Saints
  • Pfizer
  • Biogen Idec
  • Genzyme
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Amgen
  • Teva
  • Perrigo
  • Wyeth
  • Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical
  • Merck
  • Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical
  • Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals
  • Astellas Pharmaceutical
  • Almirall
  • Genentech
  • Eli Lilly and Company
  • Janssen Pharmaceuticals
  • Laureate Pharma
  • Novartis
  • Sanofi Pasteur
  • Tibotec Pharmaceuticals
  • UCB
  • Schering-Plough
  • Shire Pharmaceutical
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • MedImmune
  • BioFocus DPI
  • Emergent BioSolutions Inc.
Manufacturing & Logistics:
  • GE
  • Exxon-Mobil
  • Ford
  • Praxair
  • Wright Brand Foods
  • General Motors
  • Cymer
  • Boeing
  • United Technologies
  • Fiat
  • Eastman Chemical
  • Kodak
  • Carrier
  • Dell
  • Elkay Manufacturing
  • Stihl
  • Whirlpool
  • Armstrong World Industries
  • IBM
  • Intel
  • 3M
  • Medtronic
  • Bausch & Lomb
  • Textron
  • Basic American Foods
  • Batesville Casket
  • Becton Dickinson
  • FederalExpress
  • Bell Helicopter
  • DuPont
  • Olympus
Government, Military & DoD Contractors:
  • US Army Forces Command
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Newport News Shipbuilding Systems
  • Raytheon
  • US Army - Army Material Systems Analysis Activity
  • Center For Naval Analysis
  • United Space Alliance
  • FAA
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Naval Sea Warfare Center
  • US Air Force
  • Center for Army Analysis
  • Naval Air Warfare Center
  • BAE Systems
  • US Army Military Academy at West Point
  • Tri-Care Military Health System
  • Social Security Administration
  • National Institute of Science and Technology
  • Boeing Defense Division
Services Industry:
  • Delta Airlines
  • American Express
  • Chase Manhattan Bank
  • JetBlue Airlines
  • FleetBoston
  • Union Bank of California
  • Prudential Insurance
  • Canada Post Corporation
Healthcare Industry:
  • HCA family of hospitals
  • VHA Consulting Services
  • Veterans Administration Health System
  • Banner Health
  • Ascension Health
  • Catholic Healthcare West hospitals
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Providence Health System
  • Intermountain Healthcare
  • ER One and Washington Hospital Center
  • Baylor University Health System
  • MD Anderson
  • Mayo Clinics
  • University of VA Medical Center
  • Stanford University Medical Center
  • Lancaster Health Alliance
  • Texas Children’s Medical Center
  • UAB - Birmingham Medical Center
  • UNC-Chapel Hill University Medical Center
  • Duke University Medical Center
  • Perkins and Will Architects
  • Premier, Inc.
  • Miami Valley Hospital
To evaluate the software and to obtain pricing please contact us at, and we will be happy to arrange the trial and provide a quote.
Thank You!