


Morae is a leading usability software that removes the guesswork from your decisions and helps you make products people love. Record user interactions, efficiently analyze results, and instantly share your findings with anyone, anywhere.

Use Morae to…
  • Capture audio, on-screen activity, and keyboard/mouse input
  • Watch people interact with your product, site, or idea
  • Discover patterns and gain insight
How Can Morae Work for You?
Software and Web User Experience Testing
Software & Web User Experience Testing
Morae provides you with hard data and vivid, undeniable examples of usability problems. It also automatically calculates and graphs effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. 
Eye TrackingPluggable Architecture
Write your own Recorder, Observer, and Manager plug-ins with Morae’s pluggable architecture, which enables you and your development team to build features specific to your testing environment.
Market and Research Focus Groups
Market Research & Focus Groups
Whether you gather customers around a formal conference table or sit down for a one-on-one, bring Morae along to capture the interaction, and share the results quickly.
Mobile Device and Hardware TestingMobile Device & Hardware TestingRegardless if it’s a mobile phone, GPS unit, or an espresso machine, you can improve the design of your product by testing it in the hands of real customers.
As one of the leading usability software tools on the market, Morae offers an all-encompassing testing experience for its users.
Morae Recorder: Save Time by Having All Your Data in One Place
Recorder captures audio, video, on-screen activity, and keyboard/mouse input during a research session.
Morae Welcome Recorder
Test Efficiently
Morae ties what used to involve lots of devices and applications that didn’t talk to each other into one tidy package – eliminating hours of wasted effort. With Morae, all your data is captured digitally and indexed to one master timeline for instant retrieval and analysis.
Default Study
Get Started Faster
Select a research method from Morae’s preset study templates – focus group, software usability test, or mobile device test – and Morae will set up the initial details for you. It even shows you a live preview of what will be recorded.
From there, it's simple to add things like task definitions, discussion questions, surveys, and custom markers. Want to use the same configuration again later? Morae allows you to save and re-use.
Customizable for Your Needs
Make the most of Morae by writing your own Recorder, Observer, and Manager plug-ins. Morae’s pluggable architecture enables you and your development team to build features specific to your testing environment.
Learn more about the expanding flexibility of Morae’s pluggable architecture and about the plug-ins that partnering companies have already created on Morae’s Plug-ins Page.
Capture More
Use Morae’s camera-only recording to reach beyond the screen to record customer interactions that don't happen on the computer – like focus groups, in-depth interviews, hardware testing, paper prototype testing, and more.Plug multiple video cameras into your computer for off-screen recording or PIP (Picture-in-picture). You can use consumer-grade digital video (DV) cameras, webcams, or a mix of both. When you're not recording the screen, you can use the recording computer for logging notes too.
Dig Deeper
Morae collects and stores data neatly in one place and gives you all the tools you need to view, analyze, graph, and present results with just a click.Ask survey questions before the session, after each task, and at the end of testing – automatically or manually. Use the system usability scale (SUS), or create any number of custom surveys in a variety of formats – multiple choice, select all that apply, rating scale, or open-ended.
Get Test Assistance
AutoPilot delivers instructions, tasks, and surveys automatically during test sessions. Set up unmoderated testing at a public kiosk or a tradeshow booth and gather data without being there. If you’re flying solo, AutoPilot allows you to prompt, listen, and observe more carefully during testing.
Morae Observer: Monitor and Log Important Research Moments
Observer enables team members to watch the customer's experience, make notes, flag tasks, and chat in real-time.
Easily Communicate
With Morae’s chat feature, it’s now easier than ever to interact with fellow Observers during testing – even if they’re not co-located. Use Morae’s real-time chat to communicate from Observer-to-Observer while testing, or from Observer-to-Recorder for pre and post-testing.
Upload to
Share Your Session
Give team members or clients a copy of the session right away by uploading it to your free account for instant sharing to anyone, anywhere.
Log Smarter
Unlike logging with a stopwatch and notepad, Morae helps observers give structured, detailed feedback that is automatically synchronized and placed at the right moment on the video timeline. During research sessions, observers flag important moments by selecting a preset marker. Morae’s streamlined logging process results in more detailed, instantly searchable notes – saving you hours of time during review and analysis.
Observer Login
Gain Valuable Insight
Connect to a live Recorder session from anywhere via a network. Observers can see and hear anything being recorded – customers' faces, voices, or interactions on-screen or with physical objects. Team members or stakeholders running Morae Observer can collaboratively log comments, set markers, and chat in real-time resulting in more efficient logging, stronger buy-in, and a deeper understanding of your customers.
Collect Powerful Data
Automatically calculate standard metrics such as time on task or error rate by consistently marking a few simple things during each recording – like when the participant starts a task, ends a task, and whether they succeed or not.
Morae Manager: Analyze, Visualize, and Share Results Quickly
Use Manager to view and analyze Morae recordings, automatically calculate metrics, generate graphs, and create highlight videos to share with stakeholders.
Analyze Results
Analyze Results Efficiently
Within Morae, you can search across many recordings to uncover patterns and trends in the data – without having to open Excel. You can also limit your search to one recording.
Instantly find and view the exact moment when participants clicked a button, typed something, navigated to a particular webpage, interacted with a specific dialog box, or viewed certain text on the screen.
Analyze Data
Review Data in Less Time
Markers and tasks set during a recording session appear along the timeline as color-coded diamonds and triangles. Hover over these indicators for details; click one to jump to that moment in the video making it easy to review hours of video (along with comments and suggestions from a whole team of observers) faster.
Quick and Secure Online Sharing
Seek out important parts of your videos to showcase to others with Morae’s Table of Contents. Then deliver highlight videos quickly and securely over the internet with
As a Morae customer, you get free storage and bandwidth on, which allows you to upload test results with one click and instantly share to anyone, anywhere. Morae maintenance customers will now receive a free Pro account, which offers more storage, monthly bandwidth, and caption capabilities.
Fast, Automatic Analysis
Morae saves you valuable time by calculating data and building graphs quickly. Morae automatically calculates and graphs standard usability metrics like effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. (Attention usability experts: We've got your CIF and SUS covered.)
You can also create your own measurements and graphs based on mouse movement, clicks, time on task, markers, and satisfaction surveys.
Present Results Easily
Embed videos, graphs, and title clips from Morae directly onto PowerPoint slides with a few clicks – saving you time.
Professionally Document Results
With Morae’s Word Add-in, simply drag and drop graphs, screenshots, data tables, survey questions, and more directly into a Word document. Produce a powerful, professional report for stakeholders in a fraction of the time.
More Ways Morae Helps Analyze, Visualize, and Share Easily
  • Variable speed playback
  • Ability to import pre-recorded video files
  • Text and audio annotation
  • Exportable data tables
  • Built in video editing
  • Customizable picture-in-picture video
  • And more!
How It's Used
Use Morae to gain valuable insight about your product and remove the guesswork from your decisions. You’ll love that you can record user interactions, analyze the results, and instantly share them with anyone – all within Morae and for any type of research.

Software & Web User Experience Testing
Morae provides you with hard data and vivid, undeniable examples of usability problems. It also automatically calculates and graphs effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction – saving you time on analysis and reporting.
Stakeholders can observe research sessions live from anywhere via a network. Your notes and theirs are indexed to the video, making it easy to analyze the data later. Find all comments on the same task across all your recordings, instantly. Drag charts and tables into your report and export video clips directly to your presentation.
How To:
See the Morae Setup for Software and Usability Tests: Download the PDF.

Focus Groups & In-depth Interviews
Whether you gather customers around a formal conference table or sit down for a one-on-one, bring Morae along to capture the interaction, and share the results quickly.
Type notes and flag important moments as Morae records video. Team members and stakeholders can watch the live video stream and log their own observations. Everything is captured digitally on your hard drive, so all your data can be found in one place.
As soon as your research session is over, quickly search back through the notes and markers, select the best clips, and export the highlight reel directly to your free account for anyone to view.
How To:
See the Morae Setup for Focus Groups: Download the PDF.

Mobile Device & Hardware Testing
Regardless if it’s a mobile phone, GPS unit, or an espresso machine, you can improve the design of your product by testing it in the hands of real customers.
Watch customers manipulate physical buttons and navigate on-screen menus. Capture their body language, verbal comments, and success rates while observers flag important moments by selecting a preset marker. Next, use Morae’s complete toolset to analyze, present, and share data quickly.
How To:
See the Morae Setup for Mobile Device and Hardware Testing: Download the PDF.

Paper Prototype Testing
With Morae you can mock up a design, put it in front of customers, and test their reactions in record time. Morae helps observers give structured, detailed feedback that is automatically synchronized and placed at the right moment on the video timeline. Morae’s streamlined logging process results in more detailed, instantly searchable notes – saving you hours of time during review and analysis.
How To:
See the Morae Setup for Paper Prototype Testing: Download the PDF.

Pluggable Architecture
Write your own Recorder, Observer, and Manager plug-ins with Morae’s pluggable architecture, which enables you and your development team to build features specific to your testing environment.Learn more about the expanding flexibility of Morae’s pluggable architecture and about the plug-ins that partnering companies have already created on Morae's Plug-ins Page.

Field Studies
Gain a richer understanding of what customers need by observing them in their natural environment. Send Morae into the field on a laptop, or record on the customer's own computer. Discover how customers respond to your product, which features they use, and what should be improved.

Continuous Improvement (Lean Six Sigma)
Whether you're looking to improve the efficiency of line workers making widgets or office workers answering e-mails, Morae can help. TechSmith partner The Guthrie Group (TGG) is a pioneer in using Morae with Lean Six Sigma – a methodology for reducing process variation and waste, while delighting customers with a fantastic product or service.Use Morae to collect, log, analyze, and present data – producing better, more reliable results faster than stopwatch, paper, and videotape-based methods. TGG's approach combines team-based consensus building with a powerful Morae plug-in to reveal opportunities, gather meaningful metrics, and map processes of PC-based applications.
Case Studies and Customer Stories
Morae has become the gold standard for usability testing since it was first introduced in 2004.
Yes, our customer list includes lots of big names like Microsoft, Time Warner, Yahoo!, eBay, Google, Dell, and But companies and consultants of every size use Morae to listen to customers and improve designs. Here are some of their stories...
Zack Guthrie, President of The Guthrie Group, shares how they use Morae and Lean Six Sigma to help companies continuously improve their processes. "Our goal is to help our clients make things easier, faster, better, safer, and cheaper for their customers."
Software and Technology
On-Site Usability Testing and Product Design Evaluation
SAP ran Morae on test stations at their annual user group conference to conduct usability testing and captured more than a thousand hours of data, all crystal clear, indexed, and searchable.  
Conducting Comprehensive E-Commerce Focus Groups
CX Labs
With Morae, Customer Experience Labs (CXL) was able to capture a total focus group experience by recording the participants' reactions, facial expressions, body language and verbal remarks as website content was being reviewed. 
Indiana University Saves Testing/Analysis Time, Thousands on Lab Expenses
Indiana University turned to Morae to help facilitate next-generation user experience testing for an e-Learning initiative. 
Landmark College Institute Advances the Cause of Usable, Accessible Learning Content
Landmark College
The Landmark College Institute for Research and Training uses Morae in their Universal Design and Usability Lab, which allows teachers and students across campus to test the usability of teaching materials and other work. 
Michigan State University M.I.N.D. Labs Measure Telepresence with Morae
MSU's M.I.N.D. Labs use Morae in their research to understand telepresence: how immersed one feels in a screen-based environment. 
Mizzou Builds Award-Winning Website With the Help of Morae
University of Missouri's Information Experience Laboratory used Morae to integrate usability testing into the development and design process of their new undergraduate admissions website.
IDEXX Labs Ensures Usability of Brand New Hand Held Touchscreen Product
IDEXX wanted to test that the user experience of a brand new product, the Catalyst Dx™ Chemistry Analyzer, was optimized for speed and ease of use. 
Intermountain Healthcare Conducts Large Scale Usability Testing in the Field for GE Healthcare
Intermountain HealthcareWith Morae, Intermountain Healthcare found a portable usability testing solution that would allow them to go to clinicians across Utah and Idaho. 
Financial Services
Next-Generation Usability Testing for Credit Union's Internet Banking Products
Credit Union Central of British Columbia (CUCBC) partnered with Habañero Consulting Group for the user experience development and usability engineering phases of their online banking products. 
Consulting Firms
TGG Helps Improve Processes With MoraeOptimal Usabilty
The Guthrie Group uses Morae and Lean Six Sigma together to help companies continuously improve their processes and make things easier, faster, better, safer, and cheaper for their customers. 
Optimal Usability Delivers Hard Data to Back Up Recommendations
Optimal Usabilty
Using Morae, Optimal Usability's consultants had unprecedented insight into the usability and effectiveness of the University of Canterbury's website. 
Scoreberlin Raises the Bar with Usability Testing and Eye Tracking With Morae
Landmark College
Morae helped revolutionize Scoreberlin's usability lab and continues to save them analysis time, allowing them to develop newer, simpler and faster methods. 
World-Renowned Usability Consulting Firm UIE Conducts E-Commerce Analysis With Morae
User Interface Engineering (UIE) was hired by a large retailer to create a set of e-commerce best practices based on an in-depth study of the country's leading consumer Web sites. 
US Air Force Academy Debriefs in the Field With MoraeThe United States Air Force Academy uses instant video debriefing of team exercises with a portable Morae lab.
Morae Manager
Morae Recorder
Morae Observer
Morae Bundle (Manager, Recorder and Observer)
Morae Bundle (Recorder and Observer)
