More Add-in


More Add-in


Introducing… collapsibles for Word. More Add-in makes it easy to add expandable segments to Microsoft Word documents. 

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More Add-in makes it easy to add expandable segments to Microsoft Word documents. 
Just select any part of a Word document, and with one click, add a button to the page allowing the reader to expand or collapse that part. 
So obvious… so easy… this is the hide/show ability that Word has been missing!
Introducing… collapsibles for Word
A “collapsible” is a part of a document which can be hidden or shown with the click of a button. 
Collapsibles are common on web pages.  Now, with the More Word add-in, you can add them to Word documents too – and far more easily!

More Add-in

Adds Expand and Collapse to Word Documents
Amazingly easy to use...
With the More Word add-in installed, making part of a document expand- and collapse-able is as easy as formatting text as Bold or Italic:
 ...and yet very powerful
Beyond creating and using simple collapsibles, More Add-in provides a lot of support for the collapsible "power user" - for example, automatic creation of collapsibles for all headings, or creating your own custom toggle buttons. 
Many different uses
The essence of the More add-in for Word is to let you hide stuff away, recovering it with one click when needed.   A concept as simple as that has any number of uses!
  • Hide your notes.  When drafting a document, you often collect lots of notes (quotes, draft paragraphs, etc.).  Instead of keeping them somewhere else, with More you can have them right there in the document you are working on, but hidden so they are not getting in your way. 
  • Reduce clutter.  You can improve the look and feel, and the readability, of a document by hiding in collapsibles any material that is parenthetical, of only marginal interest, of interest only to a few users, etc.  
  • Navigate complex documents.  With More you can collapse a document down and make it much easier to find your way around it.  
  • Compress large documents.  By hiding material in collapsibles, you can dramatically reduce the apparent size of a large document.  
  • Hide ugly stuff.  Every now and again a Word document has something in it you'd really rather hide away - for example a messy table, or an unpleasant image.  
  • Save on printing.  Hide away material you don't need to print.  Hide away graphics that might use excessive ink.  
  • Produce detailed procedures.  Produce a document laying out complex procedures, where the fine-grained detail is hidden away but still available to the reader if/when needed.  
Create collapsibles with one click
The More Word add-in makes adding a collapsible to a Word document a breeze.  One click on the Create on the More tab and you have a ready-to-go collapsible with a marker and a default body content. 
Or, select any part of a document and then click on the Create button.  More Add-in creates for you a collapsible with the selection as the body.  
Watch the 30 second video...
Hide text, images, tables...
Most things you can select in the body of a Word document can be made collapsible.  
  • Words, sentences, paragraphs, pages or large chunks of documents can all be collapsed
  • Select an image and with one click hide it away
  • Hide whole tables, or material within tables
  • Charts, equations... you name it, it can probably be hidden away in a collapsible
Enable others to use your collapsibles
You can create documents with collapsibles usable by Word user even if they don't More Add-in installed! Just add your own content and collapsibles to a collapsible-enabled document (download one now).  
Create nested collapsibles 
You can have collapsibles within collapsibles within...  This means that complex content can be hidden away in an hierarchical fashion.  
Create Heading collapsibles
You can add a collapsible to a heading.  A heading collapsible will hide everything "beneath" that heading, i.e. between that heading and the next one at the same level. 
With one click you can add collapsibles to all headings in a document.  You can then compress the whole document down so that just the top-level headings are showing.   In other words, you can get the overview benefits of Word's outline view, but in the document itself!
Create List collapsibles 
Similarly, you can add a collapsible to a multi-level list item.  A list collapsible will hide away everything beneath that list item, i.e., all the lower-level list items nested under that list item.  
You can automatically add collapsibles to every item in a selected list, or to every list in the whole document.  This gives you a kind of list-based outlining capacity on the page. 
Open and close lots of collapsibles at the same time
One very useful feature of More Add-in is that you can open or close lots of collapsibles at the same time.  You don't need to laboriously click on every one; just select any part of a document containing collapsibles, then click on the Open or Close button.  
You can also open or close all collapsibles in the document without needing to select the whole document. 
Choose from a range of marker types
More Add-in provides a range of "pre-cooked" marker types.  
Note that markers usually have two variations, depending on whether the collapsible is closed (hidden) or open (showing).  
For example the More..Less marker shows More... when the collapsible is closed, and Less... when the collapsible is open. 
Create your own markers
More Add-in provides a simple marker editor so you can create your own distinctive or special-purpose markers.  
Using the marker editor, you can modify:
  • Text when closed (e.g. change More... to Tell me more...)
  • Text when open
  • Character style when closed
  • Character style when open
  • More Add-in requires Microsoft Word for Windows version 2003, 2007 or 2010.
  • After a free trial period, More Add-in will require a license code.
To install:
  1. Save the installer file (MoreAddinInstaller.msi) to your hard drive. (Win 7 64bit - try this installer.)
  2. Quit Microsoft Word, if it is running.
  3. Open the installer file and follow the usual installation steps.
  4. Open Word again. You should see the More tab at the rightmost end of your Word ribbon. If it doesn't appear there, follow the instructions below.
More is not showing up as a tab on my ribbon!
When properly installed, More Add-in should appear as:
  • The rightmost tab on Word's ribbon (2007 and 2010)
  • The rightmost menu (Word 2003)
If you're not seeing it appear, then
(1) Check that More Add-in is installed. 
 The easiest and more definite way to do this is to open Word's STARTUP folder and check to see that the More Add-in template folder is present. 
Alternatively you can try to re-install More Add-in using the latest version.  
(2) Check that More Add-in is active in Word.  
(a) Go to the Templates and Add-ins Dialog:
  • In Word 2003, Tools > Templates and Add-ins
  • In Word 2007, 2010 choose File > Options > Add-Ins
You should see More Addin appearing under Active Application Add-ins.
If it is not appearing there, go down to Manage and select Word Add-ins and then click Go
(b) You should see More Addin listed under Global templates and add-ins.   Make sure it is checked.  Click OK. 
A single user license for More Add-in can be purchased online for the special price of $19.99 USD. Pricing is per user.  
For volume purchases, contact us at for a license code with the appropriate number of activations.