ABBYY PDF Transformer


ABBYY PDF Transformer


ABBYY PDF Transformer is the ideal solution for anyone working with PDF files. This intuitive, versatile, multilingual tool enables you to easily convert PDF file of any type into editable formats with the original layout and formatting retained.

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ABBYY PDF Transformer is the ideal solution for anyone working with PDF files. This intuitive, versatile, multilingual tool enables you to easily convert PDF file of any type into editable formats with the original layout and formatting retained. In seconds, you can create a PDF file directly from Microsoft Office applications, combine multiple files from different sources into one PDF, or modify PDF files according to your needs — redact sensitive information, add stamps and bates stamps, turn your files into searchable and protected PDFs, or convert into PDF/A format for long-term archiving.
Who Uses PDF in a Daily Work?
  • Lawyers and legal assistants receive and create legal documents in PDF format
  • PR managers collect and archive articles in searchable PDF
  • Sales managers email business proposals in PDF format to customers
  • Analysts convert data charts and tables from PDF reports
Key Features
  • Convert PDF files to editable and searchable formats
  • Create searchable PDF and PDF/A documents
  • Combine different files into one document
  • Append new files to the existing PDF document
  • Protect your PDF documents and optimize them for archiving


ABBYY PDF Transformer delivers a wide range of useful functions allowing you to easily convert PDF files to editable and searchable formats, create searchable PDF and PDF/A documents, merge different files into one document, append new files, protect your PDF documents and optimize them for archiving.
PDF Conversion
Intelligent PDF Conversion Technology
Based on ABBYY’s award-winning optical character recognition (OCR) technology, PDF Transformer delivers superior quality of PDF conversion. By leveraging OCR, it accurately “reads” text on any type of PDF files (including image-only or scanned PDFs) in 184 languages.  To optimize the conversion performance, the program also intelligently analyses a PDF file and its text layer and makes a decision as to whether or not OCR processing should be applied to the entire document.
Processing of ALL Types of PDF Files*
ABBYY PDF Transformer processes any type of PDF file, including scanned (image-only) PDFs, searchable PDFs, password-protected PDFs (the program will prompt you to enter the correct passwords for content extraction), PDFs with text in non-standard encoding, and documents in the latest PDF 1.7 format.
Accurate Re-creation of Document Layout and Formatting
When converting PDF files, ABBYY PDF Transformer not only captures text but also re-creates all formatting elements – titles, tables, columns, pictures, charts, hyperlinks and internal links, etc. There’s no need to retype or reformat your documents. In addition, PDF Transformer 3.0 supports ABBYY’s revolutionary Adaptive Document Recognition Technology (ADRT®) which intelligently re-creates logical structure of documents across multiple pages and outputs PDF files in native Microsoft® Word formatting. It accurately reproduces headers, footers, page numbering, footnotes, fonts, font styles, and captions to images across all pages of a document. If you apply any changes to number of pages, footnotes or captions in your output document, they will be reflected at once within the entire document.
Support for 184 Languages with Automatic Language Detection
ABBYY PDF Transformer delivers the widest language support — it can process documents in 184 languages including a variety of languages with Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, as well as Greek, Armenian, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and multilingual documents. The application also automatically detects document languages.
Integrated with Microsoft Office Applications
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 is fully integrated with Microsoft Office applications. With the built-in PDF Transformer toolbar, you can access the program and convert PDFs directly from within Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook by simply clicking a button.
One-Click PDF Conversion from Windows Explorer
Integrated with Windows Explorer, ABBYY PDF Transformer allows you to convert PDF files to editable documents or turn office documents into PDF files with a single mouse-click. Simply click with the right mouse click on the file and select the required option in the ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 menu.
Conversion of PDF documents to Editable Formats
ABBYY PDF Transformer is flexible tool, letting you transform a PDF file into your preferred format including Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML, RTF and TXT. It supports the latest Microsoft Office formats such as DOCX and XLSX.
Conversion of Multiple PDFs with one Click
To make document conversion even faster, ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 allows you to convert several PDF files simultaneously. You can simply open a folder, select required PDF files and transform them into Word, Excel or searchable PDF documents using the corresponding command in the right-click menu.
Manual Area Selection Tools for Advanced Users
The interface includes a special toolbar for area-by-area definition of separate elements of a PDF file (including text, picture and table elements), which is helpful when converting PDFs with complex formatting. The program supports automatic and manual area definition modes such providing output documents (for example Microsoft Word) with the same formatting as the initial PDFs.
Conversion of Selected Areas and Pages
The intuitive interface allows you to select only relevant pages or areas for conversion and easily change the settings, if necessary. For even better navigation between pages of a long PDF file it offers a panel with page thumbnails.
Saving Selected Document Areas to the Clipboard
You can also send the content of a particular text or image area directly to the clipboard and to past it later into a document of any application for certain data editing or correction.
Flexible Layout Retention Options
ABBYY PDF Transformer provides the ability to easily set up the level of layout retention needed. You can save a document with the original layout or in “flowing” mode (both with or without pictures). When saving conversion results to Microsoft Excel, a user can also choose the “Ignore text outside tables” option that allows him to convert information contained in tables only.
PDF Creation
PDF Creation from Microsoft Office Applications
ABBYY PDF Transformer adds a “Create PDF” button to the Office applications’ tool bar. With a click of this button, you can create PDF file from the current Microsoft Word document, Excel table, PowerPoint presentation or Visio diagram.
Print-to-PDF Function from Any Application
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 also lets you create a PDF file from any application that supports the “Print” function. Just print a document choosing PDF-XChange 4.0 for ABBYY printer in the Printer Name dialog box.
Combining Multiple Files into One PDF
With ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 you can automatically merge PDF files of different format (such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, other PDF files and more) into one PDF document. Each file’s content will begin with a new page in the resulting PDF.
Retention of Links, Hyperlinks and Metadata
When creating a PDF file from a Microsoft Office document, the application accurately retains hyperlinks, internal links and document metadata such as author, title, subject, keywords, etc.
Support for PDF/A Format
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 allows you to save your files in searchable PDF/A format which is a standard format for long-term archiving of electronic documents.
Optimal Size of Created PDFs
When creating PDFs with ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0, you can choose the optimal size of created PDF file according to its intended use. Choose “Compressed PDF” in Creation options to produce a file optimal for on-screen viewing, e-mail and Internet, or save the document without compression for high-quality printing.
PDF Adjustment and Protection
Conversion of Scanned PDFs to Searchable PDF files
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 allows you to convert image-only (or scanned) PDFs to searchable PDFs in one step. By adding the text layer to image-only PDF files, ABBYY PDF Transformer makes these files available for key word searching. You can efficiently store and retrieve information scanned in PDF, like magazine articles, contracts, books, etc. on your computer.
Powerful MRC Compression for PDF files
When converting documents to searchable PDF, the program offers you a special option to compress the output file with ABBYY's unique MRC Compression technology which is capable to reduce the size of output PDF up to 10 times depending on the file content while keeping high level of readability and visual quality.  The MCR compression technology identifies different layers of PDFs and effectively compresses them with the appropriate method for each area. Support for highly compressed searchable PDF is crucial for document archiving and enables you to save storage capacity on your computer to a considerable extent.
Appending New Files to Existing PDF
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 allows you not only create a PDF file but also easily modify the existing PDF document by appending new files such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, HTML and TXT documents. New content will automatically appear at the end of the PDF document. To append a new file, you simply need to select the file in a folder and choose the option “ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 – Append to Existing PDF Document” in the right-click menu.
Creation of Password-protected PDFs
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 supports PDF password-protection settings. You can create a secured PDF and set a document open password or permission passwords in order to prevent unauthorized document opening or to restrict certain operations such as printing, content extraction, editing and adding/removing pages.
Redaction of Sensitive Information
All sensitive information can be easily erased from both text and image layers in PDF document, when using “Convert to Searchable PDF” option. Thus all confidential information, including metadata, will be not just visually hidden or made illegible but completely deleted from the file.
Stamping and Bates Stamping
With ABBYY PDF Transformer, you can easily mark documents by applying customized stamps with any text, position and color. Additionally, the bates stamping feature offers identification, protection and auto-increment numbering of large volume documents so you can easily find them later.
Intelligent Re-creation of Document Formatting across Multiple Pages
PDF Transformer 3.0 supports ABBYY’s innovative Adaptive Document Recognition Technology (ADRT) which intelligently re-creates logical structure of documents across multiple pages and outputs PDF files in native Microsoft® Word or Excel formatting. With ADRT, the application accurately reproduces headers, footers, page numbering, footnotes, fonts, font styles, long tables, and captions to images across all pages of a document. Should any changes be applied to number of pages, footnotes or captions, they will be reflected at once within the entire multipage document.
184 Recognition Languages with Automatic Language Detection
New version of ABBYY PDF Transformer delivers the widest language support — it can process documents in 184 languages including a variety of languages with Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, as well as Greek, Armenian, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and multilingual documents. For more convenience, it also automatically detects document languages.
New PDF Conversion & Creation Functions
Conversion of Multiple PDFs with one Click
To make document conversion even faster, ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 allows you to convert several PDF files simultaneously. You can simply open a folder, select required PDF files and convert them to Word, Excel or searchable PDF documents using the corresponding command in the right-click menu.
Combining Multiple Files into One PDF
With ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0, you can now automatically combine several files of different format (such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, other PDF files)  into one PDF document. Each file’s content will begin with a new page in the resulting PDF.
Appending New Files to Existing PDF
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 allows you not only create a PDF file but also easily modify already existing PDF document by appending new files to it including Microsoft Word, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint, HTML and TXT files. New content will automatically appear at the end of the PDF document. To do this, you simply need to select the file you wish to append and choose the option “ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 – Append to Existing PDF Document” in the right-click menu.
PDF Protection and Identification of PDF Documents
PDF Redaction of Sensitive Information
All sensitive information can be easily erased from both text and image layers in PDF document, when using “Convert to Searchable PDF” option in PDF Transformer 3.0. Thus the confidential data, including metadata, will be not just visually hidden or made illegible but completely deleted from the file.
Stamping and Bates stamping
With ABBYY PDF Transformer, you can easily mark and identify documents with copyrights or status by applying customized stamps with any text, position and color. A new bates stamping feature also provides identification, protection and auto-increment numbering of valuable documents.
ABBYY Screenshot Reader as a Bonus Application
ABBYY Screenshot Reader is a convenient “quick OCR” utility which is able to easily capture screenshots and convert a screen images to text. It is a practical screenshot making tool that can as well extract short text parts, tables, or images from Web pages, flash presentations, Windows Explorer file menus, or error messages. Screenshot Reader is also helpful when you want to pull small quotes or a few sentences from a PDF or image file. Screenshot Reader is very popular and ABBYY sells it via online shop. If you are a registered user of PDF Transformer 3.0 you receive this application as a bonus.
Other new features
Powerful MRC Technology for PDF Compression
PDF Transformer 3.0 supports ABBYY's new MRC Compression technology which enables you to compress PDF files up to 10 times depending on the file content. This powerful technology will help you to save memory space, as well as easily post PDF documents on the Web site or send them by e-mail. 
Saving of Selected Document Area to the Clipboard
With ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 it is possible to send the content of a particular text or image area directly to the clipboard and to past it later into a document of any application for certain data editing or correction.
Improved Table Reconstruction
New PDF Transformer 3.0 delivers enhanced capability to re-create tables when converting PDFs to Word or Excel, including multipage tables and tables with colored areas.
User Interface Improvements
  • New Panel with Page Thumbnails
    The user interface now includes a panel with page thumbnails that helps you to easily navigate between pages of a large PDF file and let you easily select pages you wish to have converted.
  • Flexible Placement of Panels
    To make your work with ABBYY PDF Transformer even more comfortable, the new interface also provides the ability to change the position of main interface panels according to individual preferences.
Support for Latest Formats and Operating Systems
ABBYY PDF Transformer 3.0 provides full support for the latest input/output file formats such as DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, PDF 1.7 and PDF/A. It is compatible with the newest operating systems including Windows 7 and Windows 2008 Server. In addition, this application supports the newest Microsoft Office 2010.
If you are interested in using ABBYY PDF Transformer under Citrix® or Windows Terminal Server, please contact us at
Business professionals and knowledge workers routinely need to convert PDF files into editable and searchable formats, create PDF and PDF/A files from Microsoft Office documents and adjust PDF documents according to their needs. Here are just a few examples:
  • Lawyers or legal assistants who receive contracts, other legal documents and correspondence in PDF format and need to keep an overview. Adding Bates numbers to individual PDF documents will help them to identify later on each document with search funcitions. They may also need to redact sensitive information from PDF documents before they share them with others.
  • Sales managers who send business proposals in PDF to customers by email. They often need to combine files to PDF from different applications like Microsoft® Word, Excel® or Visio into one PDF.
  • Marketing managers who need to convert a complex table from a PDF report into Excel and analyze the data, save a marketing survey report to PDF or mark proposals with own stamps.
  • PR managers who need to collect variety of magazine articles in searchable PDF document.
  • Financial analysts who prepare analysis and presentations, which will be distributed as password-protected PDFs.
  • Project managers who prepare complex diagrams in MS Visio. PDF is ideal format for presenting those flow charts in case the customers or colleagues do not have Visio installed.
  • Consultants who repurpose PDF documents to generate textual report.
  • Translators who translate PDF based content need to convert it to a Microsoft Word document first. Counting words function in Microsoft Word will help them to quickly provide an offering to their customers. Having both the original and target letters open in the same application makes working much more comfortable.
  • Researchers who need to extend an existing PDF report with new findings before publishing or sharing.
  • Students who prepare thesis or term papers and need to re-use information from PDF books or to submit their work in PDF format.
  • Any person who applies for a new job and need to submit CV in PDF format per e-mail.
The price per license for the ABBYY PDF Transformer is 69€.
Volume licensing is available, please contact us at to get a quote.
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