Message Assist


Message Assist


Message Assist is an Add-in for Outlook that automates and accelerates the process of everyday email tasks. Message Assist allows you to compose, reply, forward messages, insert phrases, insert pictures and files, compress attachments and file messages with a single click.

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Message Assist for Outlook
Message Assist is an Add-in for Outlook that automates and accelerates the process of everyday email tasks. Message Assist allows you to compose, reply, forward messages, insert phrases, insert pictures and files, compress attachments and file messages with a single click.
As communication via electronic mail is constantly growing, so is the amount of time we spend managing email. Today’s Knowledge Worker performs repetitive tasks every day and wastes valuable time that can be better spent on high priority tasks. A wealth of knowledge exists in your email communications. Harvesting that information and making it readily available to use in future correspondence is vital to staying productive.
Message Assist is a powerful tool to accelerate your email sessions. Less writing, less clicking, less thinking…Message Assist is your email productivity solution. Once you use it, you’ll never want to use Outlook without it!
Download full version now!Watch a short video and see how Message Assist accelerates your email sessions, click to watch
Auto-Mate Screenshot
Summary of Features
Compose rich text message templates with attachments in Outlook's native interface windows.
Message Assist integrates directly with Outlook 2007 or greater and makes extensive use of the Microsoft® Office Fluent User Interface and Office Task panes to provide an easy to use, seamless experience in Outlook.
Convenient ribbon tab on mail compose and read windows that allow you to perform automated actions.
Message articles support replacement fields to perform on-the-fly mail merge actions.
Build message articles directly from messages that you have already sent or received.
One-click replying and forwarding with automatic salutation.
Set complex email addressing scenarios with one click (To, Cc, Bcc).
Quickly insert images with thumbnail preview.
Manage attachments more easily. Attach commonly referenced files with one click, detach attachments, compress attachments, and more...
File Messages to folders with one-click. Just tell Message Assist once where you want the message to go.
Summary of Benefits
Save hours of time per week performing repetitive email tasks. Less writing, less clicking, less thinking.
Build a knowledgebase of replies to common questions. Save time searching for repetitive replies.
Quickly insert short text phrases while composing messages.
Trial Period
Message Assist Add-in for Outlook®
30 days
4.5 MB 
  1. Message Assist requires Microsoft Outlook 2000-2007 and the Microsoft .NET runtime version 2.0.
  2. Message Assist works only with Outlook 2007 or greater since it requires the Office Ribbon interface and Message panes.
Save this setup to disk for installation:
  1. This product works only with Outlook 2007 or greater since it requires the Office Ribbon interface and Message panes.
  2. In the File Download box, select Save to disk.
  3. When you're ready to install, locate the file on your hard drive and unzip the archive.
  4. Vista and Windows 7 installations must use setup.exe to start the installation. Earlier version of Windows should run the MSI directly.
  5. The Setup Wizard will then guide you through the setup.
Message Assist Main Window
This is main Message Assist window. All compose, reply, and forwarding articles (templates) are managed here. The other tabs work similarly to manage Address Sets, Files, Images, Phrases, and Folder Rules.
Message Assist
Message Assist Licenses
Price per License
Contact us
For quantities above 100 licenses please contact us at, and we will be happy to provide you with the needed quote.
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