Remote Out-of-Office


Remote Out-of-Office

Remote Out-of-Office for Exchange is a server-based application that allows users to remotely manage Out of Office settings for other users, or themselves without Outlook, or any additional applications.

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Remote Out-of-Office
Remote Out-of-Office for Exchange is a server-based application that allows users to remotely manage Out of Office settings for other users, or themselves without Outlook, or any additional applications.
How Remote Out-of-Office Works
Once users are configured with permissions to control other users Out-of-Office settings, managing another user’s Out-of-Office settings is as easy as sending an email.
Remote Out-of-Office
Remote Out-of-Office Benefits & Features
  • Users can manage their Out-of-Office message from anywhere without Outlook or Outlook Web Access.
  • Receptionists and Help Desk technicians can centrally manage Out-of-Office for staff.
  • No special applications required. Manage Out-of-Office with any email program.
  • Fully secure permission-based operation.
  • Remote Out-of-Office confirms all actions and copies the recipient of the action so everyone is fully informed of the changes in settings.
  • Remote Out-of-Office can be configured to clean up after itself so it is a fully hands-off system requiring very little maintenance.
  • Simple to install.
Trial Period
Remote Out-of-Office for Exchange
15 days
3.1 MB
  1. Remote Out-of-Office requires Microsoft Exchange 2000, 2003, or 2007 and the Microsoft .NET runtime version 2.0.
  2. Download the Windows Help file for instructions on how to install and configure until we complete the Users Manual.
Save this setup to disk for installation:
  1. In the File Download box, select Save to disk.
  2. When you're ready to install, locate the file on your hard drive and unzip the archive.
  3. Windows 2008 Server installations must use setup.exe to start the installation. Earlier version of Windows Server should run the MSI directly.
  4. The Setup Wizard will then guide you through the setup.
Remote Out-of-Office Manager
The Remote Out-of-Office Manager Window. Delegate users can be defined to manage Out-of-Office messages for users and groups.
Remote Out-of-Office Manager
Remote Out-of-Office for Exchange
License Type
1 Year Support
50 mailboxes
+ $32.66
75 mailboxes
+ $43.39
100 mailboxes
+ $53.06
150 mailboxes
+ $70.48
200 mailboxes
+ $86.20
300 mailboxes
+ $114.49
400 mailboxes
+ $140.04
500 mailboxes
+ $163.71
600 mailboxes
+ $186.00
700 mailboxes
+ $207.19
800 mailboxes
+ $227.49
900 mailboxes
+ $247.04
1000 mailboxes
+ $265.95
For quantities above 1,000 mailboxes please contact us at, and we will be happy to provide you with the needed quote.
Thank You!